Once upon a time there was a young lady who worked for a reasonably prominent politician. She loved her job very very much, but every so often she got distracted by the frivolities of life. One of these distracted days she decided to go out for a few quiet drinks with a gentleman friend.
It had been a long and hard week that was not yet over, but she felt she deserved some fun and an exciting band was playing at one of her favourite drinking holes. The night was enjoyable, and many tonics were served. She had a wonderful time and when the night drew to an end she was buoyed by the enthusiasm of the evening, and perhaps by the delicious drinks that had passed her lips.
Being a responsible girl, despite the copious drinks and late hour, she arranged for a taxi to deliver her home. (Here we should have a quick aside and mention that our young lady was a terribly chatty girl at the very best of times and was known to spark up a conversation with random people at a moments notice.)
It cannot be said that our young lady woke up feeling particularly chipper the following day. But due to a work ethic that did not allow for frivolous (read: alcohol related) sick days, she rallied and worked hard in her office. Studiously avoiding the prominent politician for the day, for fear of being asked why she was so unusually quiet, she worked away and was enormously relieved at days end.
Many days passed and the young lady returned to her normal existence. Working hard, being chatty, and keeping herself at all times nice.
One day the prominent politician, with a very serious countenance, asked the young lady to follow him into his office as he had something to show her. She was quite bemused, as this was not a usual request. Dutifully, she followed him into his office where he asked her to read an email he had received on a popular social networking site (that it might be added, the young lady had encouraged the prominent politician to join).
The email read as follows...
Dear Prominent Politician,
I am a big supporter of your work and would like you to know that I voted for you at the last election. I have recently returned from overseas and now I am back home I have begun working as a taxi driver. On the (insert date) I happened upon a young lady who I drove home. She had dark hair, was about 25 and I thought she was very attractive. On the way home she happened to tell me that she worked for you and while I do not know her name I would very much like to see her again. I would be most grateful if you could pass on my phone number (insert number) to the young lady, and make her aware of my interest.
Loveless Taxi Driver
By the time she had finished reading this, our young lady's eyes had just about popped out of her head, and her mouth was wide open in a very unladylike fashion. To add to this the prominent politician had completely given up trying to hide his amusement and was openly laughing at her. What was she to do?! To ignore the letter would perhaps tarnish the reputation of the prominent politician, but she didn't even remember the taxi driver! Of course she remembered the trip home itself, and of course it was expected that she had been chatty, for that was her nature. But for it to be taken as more than that, she simply did not know what to do!
It was a quandary our young lady had gotten herself into and she struggled valiantly with the decision of how to best remedy the situation. She decided to reply to the taxi driver, so as to ensure he did not think the prominent politician had not passed on his message, but to politely decline the romantic intentions.
The young lady went on to work for the prominent politician for quite some time, despite the stir caused by the aforementioned events. However, he never ever let her forget about the taxi driver, and while he would regularly laugh at her romantic exploits, it was never as heartily as that day.
The End.
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